Publications |
NEED FOR A STRATEGY FOR MANCHESTER & EAST CHESHIRE In a new think piece (January 2014) Keith Buchan argues that the strategic dimension to transport planning is being lost, and new strategic corridors being created without properly understanding theIr impact. BACK CATALOGUE Although
we have produced over a hundred reports only a few of them are currently
available in printed form. We are at present working on a project
to assemble our publications for
electronic transmission. In response to a request for one of them,
we have produced a PDF version of our 1995 report concerning a traffic
restraint method without using price, tested for Norwich.
In addition,
the MTRU report on developing new transport policies to avoid
climate change, focussing on outer London, has now been published
(October 2006). It was sponsored by the newly titled London Councils
(previously the ALG - still representing the 33 London Boroughs) and
the Transport 2000 Trust. Please note: Transport 2000 is now the Campaign for Better Transport! Website: LOW CARBON POLICIES FOR TRANSPORT NATIONALLY This project is now complete (sponsored jointly by MTRU and the Campaign for Better Transport) and is available on the web at:
While de-archiving other material we also have a limited stock of printed reports, including: Green Routes 1991 report which led to the London Bus Initiative - still very relevant today on monitoring, assessment and practicalities. Sponsored by LT and LPAC. Green Routes to Green Areas 1996 follow up report which still has pilot schemes running! Addresses key issues in particular the introduction of bus priority in town centres and how to harmonise it with pedestrian priority. Putting London Back on its Feet 1997 Ground breaking report for LPAC describing a new basis for classifying different types of walking including social street activities, how to measure them, and how to support them. Wigglybus Mid-Term Review 2001 report setting out key strengths and weaknesses and making proposals to change the framework for demand responsive bus services. Wigglybus End of Term Review 2002 follow up contains everything you need to know about the award winning project, opportunities and risks for the future of all such services. Demand Responsive Transport - Reinventing the Bus 2004 information and good practice pack with 40 minute video featuring six schemes from around Europe. Please e-mail if you want further information Please note that this is not a direct link and you will have to type it into your address box. This has been done to avoid spam! Click here for more information on MTRU videos