Projects Work includes: |
MTRU photo gallery Demand management Lorry Road User Charging (LRUC) is already here .... On board unit (OBU) from Switzerland On board unit from Czechoslovakia
Climate change Or
is hydrogen the answer? Or
could it be biofuels?
Demand responsive buses GMPTE
software analysis and principles
Rover 6
Ultra Light Rail
The Wigglybus
Travel plans
Bus awards
Roadspace reallocation
Amphibious touring!
Intermediate modes
Bus priority
Cycling policy
Walking Policy
Walking Reality - bus stop to work
Traffic restraint - Singapore video
Freight studies
*Preparation of draft guidance on developer contributions to transport infrastructure for Lake District National Park including stakeholder meeting, reports February to April 2019 *Study of impact of rail freight on the heaviest GHVs on strategic road corridors for Highways Agency & FoR report and follow up material March 2017 to January 2018 *Phase 1 & 2 of the Tracks environment project for CfBT 1st report including expert seminar June 2017, final report November 2017 *Appraisal of the "Optimising Connectivity 2016" bid and flood damage repair for Lake District National Park including GVA estimates, reports and material August 2016 to March 2017 *Follow up report on comparative freight costs for FoR report March 2016 *Developing economic appraisal spreadsheet for car club projects for Carplus phase 1 & 2 reports August and December 2015 *Assessing impact of rail freight increases on heaviest vehicles for FoR report July 2015 *Detailed analysis of local authority responsibilities and funding structures for the Local Government Association report completed September 2014, *Appraisal of LSTF bid by Lake District National Park including health and carbon benefits from cycle and electric car hire scheme, submitted April 2014, *Analysis and re-analysis of the marginal external costs of HGV use on the road network work sponsored by Freight on Rail for input to the revision of Mode Shift Benefit (MSB) values, completed July 2014 *Preparation of transport data inventory for South Downs National Park Authority report and browser based nested tables and spreadsheets Phase 1 & 2 completed November 2013, *Study for Long Ashton Parish Council report on impact of proposed BRT service and technical support for discussions with promoters completed November 2013, *Analysis of HGV accident patterns 2008-2012 for Freight on Rail consortium completed October 2013, *Peer review of proposals for LHVs and appearance at European Parliament as individual expert completed August 2013, *Support in the preparation of bid for Linking Communities cycling fund: consortium included West & East Sussex CC, Brighton CC, Hampshire CC & South Downs National Park Authority bid completed and full funding secured from the competitive process July 2013, *Hubs and Gateways analysis for South Downs National Park Authority including assessment of stations and bus services, report and spreadsheet analysis March 2013, *HGV studies including road damage calculations, suitability of Longer Heavier vehicles (LHVs) for the EU and UK, report and spreadsheet estimator December 2010-November 2012, * re-analysis of Hereford model outputs to assess sustainable options, for consortium of local residents and cycling groups, November 2010 * defining options for UK Lorry Road User Charging, ranging from simple to complex technical systems and reviewing fiscal policy implications and compensating package for haulage industry, report October 2010, * initial analysis of scope for rail freight improvements in Eastern region, for Freightliner, completed August 2010, * analysing impact of "staycation" on aviation industry and balance of payments, including tourism deficit and employment implications, report for WWF completed June 2010, * assessing impact of recession on business air travel, including downstream effects on profitiability and leisure fares, report completed June 2010, * advising EU Commission on the impact of raising goods vehicle weight and size, considering use of elasticity and network based models, environmental and safety issues, project to be completed 2011, * planning for new development in East Grinstead, undertaking analysis of model outputs to test network capacity for housing in the District, for East Grinstead Town Council, completed October 2009, follow up work completed February 2010, * undertaking initial traffic analysis of the A11 highway scheme and its impact, for the RSPB, solutions agreed January 2010, * national climate change research project Phase Two, November 2008, comprehensive transport policy recommendations, see transport climate website for reports and background material further work due end of 2010, * advising on climate change project for Stockholm Insitiute, July to September 2009, * wide ranging review of UK transport appraisal for the Government consultation on its "Refresh" process for the New Approach to Transport Appraisal (NATA), for the Green Alliance, report published March 2008, expansion using case studies completed November 2009, * community infrastructure levy project for Hertfordshire County Council, with URS, included cost of smarter choices package and estimated impact using East of England model, completed June 2009, * assessment of HGV road and environmental costs in the light of new UK and European research, and proposals for LHVs, for Freight on Rail Group, series of reports and briefing notes 2008/09, work continuing into 2010, * submission of evidence to Mersey Gateway Bridge Inquiry, including climate change and tolling policy, on behalf of The Alliance, June 2009, * traffic impact assessment of new housing at West Durrington, inculding concurrent development of new superstore, for consortium of local groups, June 2009, * national climate change research project Phase One "Perspectives", now complete setting out basic transport policy context and principles, report May 2007, Phase 2, November 2008 (see above), * traffic generation analysis for East Grinstead core strategy housing development, PRC local consortium, February 2008, * preparation and testing of demand management package for the Peak District National Park and presentation at Public Inquiry - work ongoing 2008/9 for Friends of the Peak District/Council for National Parks, new project under development for 2010, * analysis of HGV statistics to identify any change in demand following increases in size and weight, includes and work on predicted carbon emissions from the freight sector, September 2007, published by Freight on Rail Group October 2007, * transport and climate change studies, including pilot study for Outer London, April 2006, and work on predicted carbon emissions from the East of England Regional Transport Strategy, December 2005, click here or on the power station to download a pdf of the report (916kb) *supporting new community interest company (CIC) to take on PSV operation of the Wiltshire Wigglybus, first service run 2006, *assessment of booking, scheduling and despatch (BSD) software options for Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive, surveys, site visits and supplier interviews summer 2006, final report, including implementation framework, November 2006, *preparation and assessment of new passenger and employee travel plans for Luton Airport, including outline schemes for public transport, walking and cycling, and spreadsheet modelling of the impacts using CAA and staff survey data, report with URS July 2006, *undertaking new research and forecasts of the impact of cycling provision for TfL Cycling Centre of Excellence, including parking, priority schemes, travel planning and training, results used in the preparation of the new TfL Business Plan, initial work completed July 2006, *acting as one of the "expert advisers" to local community groups at the Thames Gateway Bridge Inquiry, April to June 2006, * preparation of new local bus service plan for Mid Sussex assessing the replacement of many conventional services with demand responsive buses and taxis in a unified system run by a social enterprise, including a review of key financial and regulatory issues, for a consortium of regional and local authorities, operators and voluntary sector, report completed November 2005, * work to support Rover bus services in East Sussex including service planning, advising new transport partnership and producing information video to be circulated to 2,000 homes in the area, work for County Council, Eastbourne Buses and transport partnership completed November 2005, * preparation and assessment of an ultra light rail alternative to a bus link for the Luton to Dunstable disused railway line, including technical feasibility and cost benefit analysis and presentation to T&WO Inquiry into the busway, submission on behalf of Dunstable Chamber of Trade July 2005, * support for the West Midlands TIF bid for a consortium of local authorities and Centro including work to help create consensus between key players and drafting agreed statement on demand management, completed June 2005, * assessing lorry control scheme for part of the Peak District National Park using Government road cost figures and commenting on their suitability, CPRE, report June 2005, * study of new bus route provision and development of Challenge bids in the Vale of Pewsey for a consortium of Parish Councils, District Council and Wiltshire County Council, first phase report February 1998, bid accepted and implemented as the “Wiltshire Wigglybus”, service commenced May 1999, evening extension December 2000, expansion to double services in 2002/3 handover to County July 2005, * implementation of Bus Mall scheme and tram development work with Birmingham City Council, operators, Centro and other key players, action plan June 2004, * research into the potential for walking & cycling to reduce congestion in London, Transport 2000 Trust, report April 2004, * research into a transport innovation package in London including bus restructuring, travel plans and station links, work throughout 2004 reporting to Deputy Mayor, * roadspace reallocation and sharing good practice research in the UK included creating concept of "negotiable space", part of Europe wide project, 2003 * representing South East Forum for Sustainability at the Regional Transport Strategy Examination in Public, June 2003, * preparation of green commuter plan framework for BAA’s three London airports, report August 1999, Stansted draft plan October 2000, Heathrow draft November 2000, work completed 2003, * European project on public participation in transport planning - "Guidemaps" with University of Westminster, report completed 2003, * undertaking transport section of the sustainability audit for Cambridgeshire’s Structure Plan for Cambridgeshire County Council, follows on from transport strategy work for the City Council (1998/99), report 2001, completed 2003, * managing Transport for London projects as shadow Deputy Director of Integration on walking & cycling, borough transport plans, transport skills initiative, river freight and travel planning; representing Department on performance and Best Value indicators, project assessment, London Freight Forum, and 1st London urban challenge bid 2000-2001, * parking management, goods access and company travel planning for Vale Road industrial estate and associated English Partnership funded regeneration scheme, transport impact report January 1999, new scheme travel plan November 2000, planning agreement 2001, implementation 2002, * member of bus review steering group for GLA/TfL focussing on the bus tendering process, report 2001, * Wigglybus project submission and winning of the national “Bus in the Countryside” award, Ministerial presentation November 2000, * advising Transport for London on the allocation of transport grant to the London Boroughs including shaping the first year’s settlement to meet Mayoral priorities and preparing advice for 2001 bids and on preparing new local implementation plans linked to strategy, October 2000, * advising Chelsfield plc on bus accessibility to the Merry Hill/Waterfront complex including analysing potential demand, suggesting new and improved services, participating in transport content for Section 106 agreement with over £1million of new bus services, preliminary report July 1999, work completed 2000, * advising the Greater London Authority on the future structure of Transport for London, including the definition of Departmental roles and relationships between the Board and Senior Management, first phase complete August 2000, * consultants to Stockley Business Park for their Transport Plan based on reducing car travel including a cross-company Green Travel Plan, changes to parking provision and pricing, improved bus and rail links, work continued to 2001, * working with the North London Leadership public/private partnership to develop travel plans through pilot schemes with major employers including Ford at Enfield, initial phase complete 2000, * joint study with TRL on creating a Low Emissions Zone for Central London (City of Westminster & DETR), report March 2000, * producing transport section of “Sustainable Residential Quality: Larger Sites” for DETR et al, final report February 2000, * joint project with Llewelyn Davies and Steer Davies Gleave into parking standards, access to new development and sustainable transport policies (part of the PPG13 development work), DETR, final report January 2000, * representing English Heritage at Maidstone District Local Plan Inquiry, in particular preparing proof on demand management and proposals for road construction and bus priority, Inquiry March/April 1999, * drafting and piloting simple survey methods for assessing green commuter
plans (car ratio) with a view to producing national guidance, jointly
for DETR and the Green Commuter Ground Floor Partnership, report February
1999, * bus route planning for Newham General Hospital following the Jubilee Line opening for Newham Healthcare, preliminary report June 1998, * reviewing transport and environmental impacts of Leyton Relief Road (original MTRU report 1991), for Waltham Forest, report January 1999, * joint consultants to the London Lee Valley Partnership (including six East London Boroughs) for the preparation of an objectives led transport strategy, work includes group discussions with local businesses and local residents, setting out options for demand management, research report complete May 1997, “Valleycard” development project agreed by local authorities and seeking EU funding, * drafting new partnership strategy for surface public transport in London, LT Planning, November 1998, * drafting of new assessment framework for transport infrastructure
based on the objectives led approach, research project for DETR (HETA
Division), report May 1998, * study into existing provision of door to door transport in Waltham Forest with a view to improving services, includes analysis of operations, procurement and provision and discussions with groups and organisations serving existing and potential users, report April 1998, * study into transport indicators for town centres, jointly with Londonomics for “Vision for London”, report April 1998, * production of traffic reduction forecast for L B Haringey’s proposal to return Tottenham High Street to 2-way working, includes international research for traffic reduction examples, analysis of LATS data by journey purpose and supply of revised forecast for traffic model, report March 1998, * consultants to Surrey County Council with TRL on developing objectives led assessment methods for small scale local schemes, brainstorm work completed, report March 1998, * research into the implications of moving from parking standards
to accessibility planning, DETR (Planning), report March 1998. * producing Chapter on Transport and Communications for SEEDS 10th Anniversary Report, reviewing latest developments and implications for local and regional policy; includes drafting material and circulating for consultation, presentation at special conference, holding of workshops and finalising Chapter, full Anniversary Report published Summer 1997, * analysis of package bid process and its application in rural areas, case study West Wiltshire, proposals for developing objectives led approach and recommendations, Countryside Commission, final report 1997, * review of market potential for rail freight for English Welsh & Scottish
Railways in the light both of current policies and of future policies
which would reform vehicle taxation to reflect social and environmental
costs and be based on use rather than ownership, research completed March
1997, * "Green Area" study for three London Boroughs and London Transport: covers an area of inner London including four shopping centres and major traffic and bus routes, BR rail and LT Underground lines; proposals to rebalance road space across all modes building on the bus priority initiatives already accepted for grant by the Department of Transport, project includes surveys of car parking, leisure use (swimming pools), group discussion work with town centre users; final report October 1996, borough seminars 1997, * drafting of Company Travel Plan Resource Pack (Green Commuting) for Heathrow Airport Limited, including discussions with their tenants and review of current policies on travel to and from work and on business, report completed September 1996, * preparation of analysis of taxation of subsidy for travel to work, both directly and indirectly including summary of current tax position and possibilities for more sustainable policies within existing rules, and for new policies both with and without changes in the legislation, Heathrow Airport Limited, Stage 1 report April 1996, * "All Change" case study work in conjunction with the City of Nottingham, work includes producing material on an objectives led transport strategy for inclusion in the local plan, and working with local authorities, local residents and local businesses on a "Green Commuter Plan" for Nottingham, including public consultation and traffic modelling, outreach seminars with the local business community and qualitative group discussion work with car using employees, final report November 1995, * A10 Air Quality Management Study for the London Borough of Hackney, includes assessing contribution to air pollution from different classes of traffic in the area, identifying management measures which could improve air quality, particularly in light of the additions to the Environment Act, report November 1995, * development of park and ride strategy for outer London, including general principles for design and assessment using four case study boroughs (Phase 1: completed November 1993), Phase 2: working up trial schemes with two boroughs (Kingston and Bromley) and defining survey requirements, and Phase 3 carrying out town centre surveys and qualitative group discussion work to identify reasons for using or not using the service, clients London Transport, LBs Bromley and Kingston, report August 1995, * trip degeneration study continuing and expanding the work of Transport and Environment Studies (TEST), studying the impact of traffic restraint, land use policies and public transport improvements on trip making in European cities: finishing case studies in Berlin and Docklands, and undertaking two new studies; core funding from the European Community, surveys locally funded, grantholder Open University, final case study report on Turin, survey completed January 1995, local report September 1995, synthesis report December 1995, * freight policy study considering rural and urban distribution strategies, environmentally improved delivery vehicles, lorry routeing and road pricing for heavy goods vehicles, Esme Fairburn Trust, grantholder Civic Trust, reported May 1994, publication, summary and update April 1995, * study for the Countryside Commission drawing on new and existing MTRU work, including attendance at both Government experimental road "round tables", considering how the interests of the countryside are represented at public inquiries and how this could be improved, report completed July 1994, seminars based on findings and update March 1995. In addition to these projects MTRU run seminars and courses and produces transport videos. |